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Developer Extensions 2.9

NB! A new version of Developer Extensions 2.9 with important bug fixes is now available in the Microsoft Store. Uninstall existing version first. Please click Subscribe to get a valid license. Developer Extensions 2.9 is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance the functionality of File Explorer on Windows 10/11 version 1903 and above.…

Hostility or peaceful co-existence

The war in Ukraine has led me to now see that politicians and others behave and do things in such a manner that it leads to war and conflict. Instead, they should behave and do things in such a way that it leads to a future of peaceful co-existence. Instead of complaining, demanding and fighting…

Windows: Is Keyboard Rootkitted?

I created a keyboard SMM rootkitted detector that consist of a Windows driver, a simple C++ Win32 app that outputs the result, and a WiX 3.11 .msi installer. In Windows you have to sign the driver for this to work and get the driver installed. The app looks something like this: In order to compile,…

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